Hi there! This is my first post ever at The Craine’s Nest and I’m so happy that you’re here. Welcome and thank you for stopping by. I’m excited to finally be starting my blog! I’ve been wanting to do this for years, but I kept putting it off. Yeah… I’m a perfectionist. Starting and finishing things is challenging for me. I always think they aren’t quite right or not exactly “perfect” enough. There are LOADS of problems that arise from this way of thinking, the most important being that you never accomplish anything! It’s all rooted in fear obviously, and I won’t go down that rabbit hole with you today, but suffice it to say, I’ve decided to get over it and get a move on with this thing. I have a lot to learn, but I also have have a lot to share. In fact, I have more projects, creations, and supplies than I know what to do with! I could start my own little retail and supplies shop. Yes. Being a perfectionist has slowed me down, but I’m here to get things going. There is NO time like the present, especially when mid-life is creeping up behind you real quick. So… I’m here now and I’m really excited to share all that I’ve loved and learned along the way! Let’s go!!!!

This is a Mid-Century inspired DIY/Reno that I made with a Target bought sunburst mirror. The artist/art house that inspired this piece, is called Curtis Jere. If you are a Mid Century buff, you may know this label. A couple of brothers-in-law started this company and made many a sunburst, seagull, and geometric sculpture in the 60’s and 70’s. I happened upon one of their gorgeous seagull sunburst mirrors while watching stumbling upon The Real Housewives of New York City. I, of course, don’t watch that nonsense, but I was nursing my baby, channel surfing, and there it was. Ok. Sometimes when I want to feel like a super awesome, down-to-earth person I tune in. Ok, alright… I do watch it. But only very sporadically and really only for Carole Radziwill, who was married to a Kennedy, and really and truly has a beautiful and awesome sense of style!
She renovated her apartment and hung a giant seagull sunburst mirror on the wall under her staircase. I fell in love with it and started researching what it was, who created it, where I might find it, etc. After a long and exhaustive search, I came to the conclusion that it was probably a Curtis Jere Sunburst sculpture.
The sculpture I found online that looks most like the one I saw on the show, goes for about $2,500. Curtis Jere made many variations on this sunburst, ranging in price from about $200 to $2,500 (and up, I’m sure… those are just the ones I found). The one that I happen to love and adore is $2,500. Of course. So… since paying that price for a piece of art was not in our budget, I started scouting around for mirrors and seagulls. I found this mirror at Target for 50 bucks and found the Seagulls on Etsy, You get 4 dozen for about 25 dollars, right here. Finding the seagulls was a challenge- I bought many a seagull and even tried to make my own out of clay, but nothing really worked until I found these little guys. I used a 24K Metallic Gold paint that I found at Michael’s, cut some of the seagulls down to give variation in size and shape, and sanded the bejeezus out of them… and voila! I love the result!

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